Left behind – and I’m not enraptured
Being in the middle of groups has a naturally comforting feel. Looking at the
ubiquitous newspaper pie charts indicating public sentiment on everything
from trade issues to toilet paper, we often are relieved when others agree
with our opinion.
More frequently, however, I find myself tending to the margins – holding
positions that are mildly out of the mainstream. On a few issues I seem to
have wandered into the fringe. The manly response is to assert loudly that I
don’t care about the opinions of the masses; that I am an independent
thinker. This is nonsense, of course – we all care about what others think.
This separation can occur not only when I adopt unpopular beliefs, but also
when mass opinion shifts and I do not. In the realm of popular issues, I am
less alarmed. I don’t watch enough TV to keep up with rapidly shifting
controversies. Howard Dean came and went before I really had formed a
judgment, for example. The situations that perplex me are not spelled out in
polls but corporate decisions or organizational policy signals.
For example, I have been a happy owner of a Case 2366 combine. It is the
largest combine I have ever owned and its performance has been more than I
hoped, not withstanding the unloading auger-power pole incident which I
now admit was not a design flaw. Its capacity is more than enough for our
1350 acres.
I was stunned to hear that CNH will not be continuing this machine size,
only larger harvesters. To me it indicated I was no longer a target market for
them. I do not fault their marketing, but all the charts and graphs about
where farm size is going don’t begin to have the impact of discovering your
operation is too small to be of interest to long-term suppliers.
Nor am I whining about loyalty. I have to make reciprocal decisions to
protect my own business viability as well. Nonetheless it is a sobering
wakeup call to my self-serving view of the world to find that agriculture is
moving on without me.
A similar incident occurred at the AFBF (Farm Bureau) meeting recently. It
has been a singular privilege to have been active in Farm Bureau at
numerous levels, and I have many valued friends in the organization. I am fairly familiar with their policy from my days as a county president. One of
these positions was a firm belief that free trade optimizes the outcome for all
This changed in 2004. The AFBF delegate body approved a blatantly
protectionist stance on selected commodities. Although the vote was razor-
thin, the fact that any majority at all was assembled revealed to me how far
from the pack I was. Of course this is just one issue, but added to other
subtle shifts lately, I think we are “drifting apart”, to use modern relationship
Nor is it a direction I wish to go to in order to stay in the group. Loyalty to
core beliefs is often more important than loyalty to groups or individuals.
Farm Bureau shrewdly makes it difficult to register my disapproval by
binding insurance policies to membership. Finding a new insurance agent
when I really like the one I have is another hurdle altogether. So as far as the
membership statistics the outside world sees, I remain another happy Farm
Bureau member satisfied with policy decisions.
To be sure, I have the option of mounting a grass-roots campaign to reverse
this decision, but frankly, I sense the weight of insurance customers moving
in the opposite direction. My best use of time is probably to start pricing a
new farm policy. Either way, I am obviously no longer in sync with much of
my profession.
The latest jolt though, was President Bush’s 2005 budget. My position on
the political chart has always been in the conservative Republican camp.
This is where I thought the guy I voted for was anchored as well. But if
planning more tax cuts in the face of $500B deficits, erecting trade barriers
for politically powerful industries, attacking sincere dissent as craven
disloyalty are the beliefs of conservative Republicans today, then I must be
something else. Maybe I’m a liberal...Republican. I’ve heard there may be
as many as 6 or 7 of us.
Now all these perceptions could simply be fusty middle-aged crankiness.
Perhaps I am just not well-informed or smart enough to understand my
principles are outdated. Regardless, my painfully-acquired intellectual tools
and moral compass are all that I have to guide my decisions.
CNH, Farm Bureau, and the Republican Party are going where my
conscience or circumstances prohibit. I suspect they won’t miss me at all.
Nevertheless, I shall miss them.
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